Continental Soldiers Park.


This park is an 11 min drive from my home. NYC is a 40 min drive. These two worlds so close together and yet so different. You need to slow down and take the time to look. Right in your own backyard, there are wonderous things. I have spent hundreds of hours and walked over 500 miles in this park. Some days the pictures I take are more just to document the daily changes and activities. Its practice for me. Perfecting techniques, and trying new styles. It hones your muscle memory with your camera controls and how you view your world. It teaches how to make the camera display what you want to express. Other days I come home with bangers, new animals or sights that I have never witnessed before. It's always different. The difference is I have put in the time. I have slowed down and opened my eyes.

A Collection of some of my favorite Photographs.